小吧: strong >替补席上的教练喊让队员们往里冲,但你却选择直接射门,这是出于什么考虑呢? p > < p >< strong > 张志雄: strong > 当时只是抱着一种尝试心理,因为之前我们没能创造机会,我就决定来一次尝试 。 p > < p >< strong > 小吧: strong > 去年在中甲联赛上是否也有过类似进球? 你的经历是什么样 的 ? p > < P >< Strong > 张 志 雄 : 在 中 甲 联 赛 没 有 打 出 类似 的 球 , 不过 青 少 年 比 赛 时 是 有 打 出 来 的 。
Shao Ba:You represented the U20 national team for the first time yesterday. After playing half a game, how did you feel?
Zhang Zhixiong:I still need some time to adapt and hope my condition improves.
Shao Ba:The U20 national team has called you up several times before, but due to various reasons, you couldn't join. Do you feel regretful about that?
Zhang Zhixiong:This kind of regret is还好,只要自己保持好状态就行。
<强>sao ba:说说第一次参加国家青年军团有什么感觉
zhan zhixiong:< /b>b>:此次训练备战主要为了U20亚锦杯,希望通过认真训练和比赛争取每一场都取得胜利。</ b>< br/> u >
Xiao Bar: What do you think of your position in this squad? Which one suits you best?P
Zhang Zhi Xion g :I can play both as a No.6 or No.8.
Xiao Bar : How do yo u view th e upcoming U2O Asian Cup?< /b>B Zhang Zhi x iong : The Asia n cup will start soon . There are still s everal warm-up matches ahead , and we will all give our best efforts to perform well in every match leading up t o it .
“Do y ou have confidence i n performing even better at t he Under -2 O Asian C upping?”
Z hang z hi Xi on g “yes ! I must be confident!”