1月12日讯 北京时间明晨3点45,法甲第17轮将迎来一场焦点战役,巴黎圣日耳曼将在主场对阵圣埃蒂安。赛前,巴黎主帅路易斯-恩里克出席了新闻发布会。
决定性的一个月展望 strong > p >
< p > " 一月份共计六 场 比 赛,其中部分 将 是 决定 性 的 ,尤其是在 杯 赛 中 。 我们 会 面 对 埃斯帕利、欧冠联 和 法甲 联 。 我认为,对于 我和 球 队 来说,要持积极态度更乐观。目前所看到的一切让我非常满意。“ p >
< p >< strong > 登贝莱评述 < / strong >< / p >
< p > “ 对任何人 都 没 有 特别 的 想法 , 不会 针对 某位 球 员 做 出 评论 。 看见目前这样的局势,我 感 到 非 常 满意,很 高兴 能够 激发起内部竞争。” < / P >
< P >< Strong > 关于 对 手 的看法 < / Strong > P >
"我不知道是否有人这么说过。媒体上的报道并非总可信赖。作为 巴黎 圣 日 耳 曼 , 每 场比 赛 前都会做足 准备。因此,与 圣 埃 蒂 安 的 战斗必须 像 欧 冠 联盟那 样去 残酷 应付!我们的控制范围仅限于 下一 場比賽。而 王 子 公 园 就是一 个绝佳展示舞台,因此接下来的几次交锋中,无论进攻或防守各方面均需有所提升." Psg player's viewpoint:The statement holds true for all players. When a player scores, they're put on a pedestal, and I can bring them back down to earth. Conversely, when they are brought down from that pinnacle, I'll elevate them again. Our collective goal is paramount—we don't rely solely on one individual. I understand this might not make headlines but it's the essence of our pursuit: being part of Paris Saint-Germain is challenging! <Strong></Strong>My Future Perspective<p/>
I feel good about my contract situation—whether it’s short or long term doesn’t matter as long as I'm enjoying myself here and feeling valued in what we're building together.&;*
“Regarding team performance,” he continued:
“I've begun noticing many first-team players stepping up their game lately—as we approach Champions League fixtures—it becomes easier to see who could start regularly.” This reflects intense competition within the squad which bodes well for coaching efforts moving forward.
As far results go remains uncertain yet over recent weeks have left me quite pleased with overall displays!
Marcelo Asensio commented: "No situation feels irreversible!" …
Marquinhos injury update reveals he'll miss out tomorrow evening.
On busy schedule ahead Enrique remarked:"Looking at January’s six matches just like any others if losses occur elimination follows suit so why dwell negatively? Instead focus positively upon outstanding capabilities present among teammates allowing us face challenges bravely!”