12月22日讯 在本轮英超比赛中,曼联在主场以0-3惨败于伯恩茅斯。以下是双方全场数据对比:
曼联 vs 伯恩茅斯
- 射门:23 - 10
- 射正:7 - 5
- 预期进球:2.26 - 1.24
- 得分机会:4 - 2
- 控球率:60% - 40%
- 传球成功率:81% - 76%
- 犯规次数:11 - 11 li >
- 黄牌数 :1-3 li >
- 角 球 数 :13-1 li >
This match highlights the disparity between possession and effectiveness, as despite dominating in many statistical categories, Manchester United failed to convert their chances into goals.