If you were a thoroughbred horse, who do you think is your mentor? Can you share how the coaches from both club and national teams have guided you?
(Both my club coach and national team coach) are indeed my伯乐(mentor)。老崔(泰山主帅崔康熙)刚来到球队,而恰巧那段时间也是我回归泰山。在最开始阶段,由于无法上场比赛,只能更加刻苦训练。然而慢慢地,崔导给予了机遇,而我是抓住了这些机会。他提出的各项要求,我都做到位,所以他对此比较满意,并逐渐增派给我出场机会。有得到主教练认可,对于提高个人自信至关重要。同样要感谢伊万科维奇,他将我带入国际舞台并提供很多展现自己的机会。他虽然平日里话不多,却常以微笑面对我们,有趣幽默,我们之间始终保持融洽关系。
< p > 我首次代表中国男足登场之际,他只简单问过准备情况,然后就是客战韩国一役中因伤被替下。虽然最终输了比赛,不过结束后的鼓励让我觉得受到重视,被认可,这是极大的激励来源! p > < p > 目前,中国足球正在致力于青少年培训工作,你是否认为随着年轻球员如雨后春笋般涌现,冲击世界杯又重新点燃希望?这种转变是不是因为像你这样年轻人才受到了重用呢? p > < p > 实事求是不易评论这一变化。而除了本人,还有不少年轻小将在包括拜合拉木、胡荷韬等诸多人身上得到锻炼及成长,为团队注入活力。这类创新使得我们的实力稳步增长。此外,新鲜血液补充对于持续适应高强度、高速率赛事显然必不可少。因此,要想实现稳定发挥,就需所有人共同投入精力。不容否认,通过让青年才俊频繁亮相,将促进整个青少年群体的发展,引发积极连锁反应,使未来潜质无限可能成真!I remember when I was selected for Shandong Luneng Taishan's youth academy at age ten; leaving home really had an inspiring significance to me. From hometown Meizhou to Weifang, did life present any challenges along the way?
The collective training environment allowed me not to feel lonely as I made friends with several fellow countrymen there such as Liu Binbin (also hailing from Meizhou). As someone inherently optimistic, every day in the football school felt like exploring new horizons! Despite occasional thoughts of home, engaging activities quickly distracted those feelings. This communal lifestyle somewhat eased homesickness.
You mentioned having specific goals for next season—what are they exactly? I plan on achieving a total of 15 combined goals and assists this upcoming year. Honestly speaking it’s quite challenging being a mainstay within Tai Shan due to numerous competitors vying across positions necessitating rotation opportunities often leading some matches where I'm absent which can be disheartening especially missing crucial cup finals unable contributing towards title contention efforts despite past wins without participation amplifying that desire!
Your family has been supportive throughout—is there anything particular they expect or hope for regarding your career now that you've also tied the knot earlier this January adding further responsibility onto yourself? Indeed! My wedding took place on January first yet amidst all competitions we didn’t manage throwing celebrations consequently feeling fortunate because they've never pressured nor stressed about performance while supporting personal choices wholeheartedly alongside marriage responsibilities weighing heavily upon mindsets ahead moving forward together prioritizing growth step-by-step rather than making empty promises concerning future plans instead letting things unfold naturally after returning post vacation aiming diligently preparing accordingly toward better outcomes in forthcoming seasons! P >