< p > “我们的目标是在提升阵容整体表现,但并不是说努诺不能参与进攻。他原本偏向于攻击性,如今位置提高,需要更加果断地为球队贡献力量。作为一个团队,我们就像管弦乐团,不可总由同样的人来完成任务,要齐心协力才能奏响美妙乐章。” p > < p >< strong > 谈巴尔科拉状态下滑 strong > p > < p > “他在每场比赛中的影响巨大,可以通过关键传递或进球体现出来。但足球是一项复杂运动,一个人虽能起到关键作用,却不必靠进攻数据来证明自己的价值;11名队友共同配合才是真正的重要之处。因此,对于谁成为赛季最佳玩家而言,对我们并无太大意义。我早已告知全体成员:球队内没有绝对主角!” p > < p >< strong > 谈伤缺情况 strong > 过去 < P >> "现在状况很好,大部分人员回归。不过马尤卢因伤休养三周,而卢卡斯则因为手术后六个月未参训,还需视具体恢复情况而定。" < /P >TALKING ABOUT THE WORLD CLUB CUP STRONGLY INJURED BY A LOT OF PEOPLE."Our schedule is tight, with the Club World Cup coming next summer. I believe we will be fine then, although it may take a toll on our mental state. But that's another matter for later discussion; right now, it's still too early to think about that even though I'm excited by such competition."
The changes in Paris football are also important: If you always do the same thing, your opponents will adapt. Therefore, making adjustments is essential—this embodies what being a coach means: continually evolving and creating unpredictability for rivals.
If there’s criticism? According to statistics , this has been my best season as a coach so far! Regardless of how unfair or fabricated some criticisms might seem—it doesn’t change the numbers which reflect well upon us regarding opportunities created against opponents . While I've experienced other successful seasons before—I only focus positively at present despite negative feedback lingering since day one—with many journalists claiming we don’t boast Ligue1's top squad!
"Pushing through challenges takes time but progress happens gradually."I’m satisfied overall—even after facing difficulties in Champions League play—as growth depends largely on overcoming obstacles together.I prioritize team efforts rather than relying solely on individual players’ contributions while noting improvements seen during training sessions daily.The timeline towards total domination remains uncertain—but worry isn’t an option because I firmly trust improvement lies ahead!"