九派新闻: strong >你是什么时候坐上收容车的? p > < p >< strong > 谢 先 生 : strong > 我和 女 儿 以前只 跑过 半 马 , 没 有 跑过 全 马 。 在 比赛 前 我 实际 上 已经 做 好 不 能 完成 的 准备 。 尽管 当 时 想 坚持走完 , 可 到 38 公里处 确实 无法再忍受,于 是 才 坐 上 医疗车,然后换乘由裁判驾驶的小电瓶车。 p > < p >< strong > 九 派 新闻: 强 > 是否 有 工作人 员 要求 孩子 暂停比 赛 ? 您 有没有 阻止? P > < P >< Strong > 谢 現生: I did not stop it, because I was already exhausted and had no ability to intervene. I'm not sure if there were any staff members who tried to prevent my daughter from continuing; she only told me that someone recorded her number plate, but at the time I didn't pay much attention, thinking they were just taking notes.
Nine Party News:The child has what feelings after the game?
Xie Xiansheng:Slightly disappointed because her results were canceled. She feels like she can't run a marathon again in the future. All I could do was comfort her and say that when she grows up, there will be many opportunities ahead of her; now she can still sign up for other competitions.
STRON G>: Have you ever thought this would attract such great attention?
Xie Xiansheng :强>: No , actually similar things are quite common in our circle . As for how long this heat will last , it's beyond my control ; let's take it as it comes .